High deposition rate electrode that produces smooth beads and in most cases the slag comes off by itself. The arc is easily controlled and prevents excessive dilution with the base metal. The high chromium content of these electrodes makes the weld deposits maintain their resistance even at elevated temperatures.
TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: Parts subjected to severe abrasion as well as light impact such as equipment for processing soil, rock, coal, cement, grinding plates, dredger teeth, conveyor screws, coal augers, agitators, earth augers and scrapers. Also, for surfaces that must resist abrasion combined with scaling such as open-hearth tools, grates, conveying chains in annealing furnaces and manipulators.
Welding Parameters
CurrentAC or DC reverse polarity (electrode+)
Technical Data:
Hardness (as welded)...56-60 RC
Procedure: Remove foreign material and unsound metal from surface to be welded. For best results and long service life an elastic cushion layer of HPP 222 should be applied to the part before surfacing with this electrode. When making the final surface with HPP 224 keep electrode vertical to the work piece and maintain a short arc. Deposits must be kept thin, never more than two layers thick. To prevent excessive local heat build up in the part, alternate welding area. Allow part to cool slowly.