High strength silver solder, free of cadmium, lead, zinc, and other impurities. It has a close color match to stainless steel. Solder joints can be readily plated and have good corrosion resistance.
TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: Ideal for use on stainless steel, carbon steels, nickel, nickel alloys, copper, bronze and brass, when higher strengths are required than normally found with conventional solders. Widely used in food and dairy industries and general maintenance and repair. Great for applications in the jewelry industry. Not suitable for electrical applications.
Technical Data:

1/16" x 9' coil
Tensile strength
up to 15,000PSI
Working temperature..
430o F
Color match.

excellent on stainless steel
Corrosion resistance
Electrical conductivity
very good
Procedure: Joint area must be clean of all foreign material. Apply solder with any heat source until flow-out is complete. After part has cooled slowly, wash flux residue off with warm water.