Smooth running high purity copper electrode designed for both overlay and fabrication of conventional grades of copper and copper alloys.
For surfacing, build-up and fabricate electrolytic and deoxidized copper parts. Ideal for applications requiring high corrosion resistance, thermal and electrical conductivity. Also commonly used to copper clad steel and cast iron, especially heavy sections.
Welding Parameters
Diameter 1/8"5/32"3/16"
Current..AC or DC Reverse Polarity (electrode +)
Technical Data
Tensile strength..up to 31,000 PSI
Elongation..approx 35%
Hardness.50-60 (BHN)
Corrosion Resistanceexcellent
Electrical Conductivity...very good
Procedure: Clean joint area of all oxides and other foreign material. Bevel sections which are more than 3/16" thick. Thin gauge sections do not require preheat but heavier sections require preheating to 750 1100 degrees F. Use the largest diameter electrode possible and maintain a short arc. Allow to cool before removing slag.